
I believe that yoga fits "Every Body"

My own practice spans almost two decades and I love that it's a practice. A practice that never strives for perfection and always just is as it is in that moment.

I teach because I want to share the magic of yoga. The effects that yoga has on people is truly astounding. Yoga brings balance and clarity into everyday  awareness.

My teaching is catered to the individual needs of each client. I strongly believe in having fun, and teach with humor and humility.

I received my 200/hour RYT certification at Yoga Haven, taught lovingly  by Betsy Kase, Jill Ganassi and Michelle Gervino. Certified Restorative Yoga , Certified LVCY Chair Yoga, Certified Prenatal Yoga.

Yoga means to yoke or to bind. Through yoga I have found ways to intertwine my  love of writing, commitment to fashion, passion for food.

Come join me on my mat
